The Foundation’s daily operations are run by its chief executive officer. The CEO ensures that activities are in line with the Foundation’s set objectives, that accounting procedures follow the rules and regulations, and that the assets are managed in a satisfactory manner.
The Board
The Board monitors the Foundation’s administration and takes responsibility for ensuring that its activities are organized in ways appropriate to its purposes. The Board supervises the proper management of the Foundation’s accounts and assets. The Board appoints a chair and a vice chair among its members for one calendar year at a time. The Board has an average of seven meetings per year.
The Board in 2024
- M. Sc. Economics and Business Administration Niina Bergring
- Master of Social Sciences, Riina Forsman
- Master of Arts Emilie Gardberg, Vice Chair of the Board
- Bachelor of Business Administration Jan Holmberg
- Attorney at law, Ulf-Henrik Kull
- Master of Social Sciences, Michael Smirnoff
- Master of Social Sciences, Stefan Wallin, Chair of the Board
- CEO Lasse Svens, Presenter of the Board
- Financial Director Marian Westerlund, Secretary of the Board
The Delegation
The tasks of the Delegation include appointing its members, its chair and vice chair, appointing the members of the Board, and the Foundation’s auditors. In addition, the Delegation appoints some of the board members of the Donner Institute for Research into Religious and Cultural History. The Delegation holds two ordinary general meetings per year.
The Delegation in 2024
- M. Sc. Economics and Business Administration Timo Ketonen, Chair
- Government Councellor Paulina Tallroth, Vice Chair
- CEO Lasse Svens, Presenter
- HR Manager Linda Sjöholm, Secretary